Coups de cœur
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Comptine d'un Autre Été
Composed by Yann Tiersen, extended and performed by TheChiefEmperor - can be seen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEXYYIiWHIk, set as the soundtrack for the French romcom "Amélie", directed by Jean-Pierre Jeunet, starring Audrey Tautou and Mathieu...
Nu allongé
Arthur Beecher Carles, Nu allongé, sans date. 26.4 x 33.7 cm.
Tall girl blind date
Mookie Swizzlestick, Tall girl blind date.
Saint Jérôme lisant
Georges de la Tour, Saint Jérôme lisant, XVIIe siècle, huile sur toile, 95 x 72 cm.
Sonate en mi mineur Bwv 1034
Emmanuel Pahud plays Bach (1/2) (Flute Sonatas)Sonata in E minor BWV 1034I. Adagio ma non tantoII. AllegroEmmanuel Pahud~FluteTrevor Pinnock~HarpsichordJonat...
Someday my prince will come
"Someday my prince will come" Frank Churchill (musique), et Larry Morey (paroles) 1937
Sans titre
Anton Stankowski. Sans titre, 1932.
I Put A Spell On You
Samantha Fish, at the 2013 North Atlantic Blues Festival in Rockland, Maine
Zéphyre -Sarabande
Ensemble Instrumental de FranceJean-Pierre Wallez
India Song
Fotografie di Baldovino Baranihttp://www.baldovinobarani.com/
La Bohemia
Track by Spanish singer Concha Buika.
Damien Daufresne, Undertow.
Allemande, suite en la
Provided to YouTube by harmonia mundiSuite en La: Allemande · Alexandre TharaudRameau: "Nouvelles suites"℗ harmonia mundiReleased on: 2007-07-31Artist: Alexa...
Nicole Dumont
Eva Besnyö, Nicole Dumont, Amsterdam, 1934.
Our New Home
Shannon Cartier Lucy, Our New Home, 2017.
Night sky star horse
Norman Engel, Night sky star horse, 2015.
CHACONETTE - Michel de Béthune (1607 - 16..?) ("Manuscrito Béthune", S. XVII - Biblioteca Nacional de París). Intérprete: José Miguel Moreno (Angélica de 16 cuerdas). (http://www.glossamusic.com/glossa/artist.aspx?lang=esp&id=14) Imágenes: Pintura Rococó...
BACH & "BACH" Antonio Serrano, harmonica, clavinet Daniel Oyarzabal, harpsichord, fender rhodes Pablo Martín Caminero, double bass Management Kamala Producciones Alicia Lledó - 659 169 984 alledo@kamalaproducciones.com
Ode à la joie
Official Music video by Igor Levit performing Ode to Joy (from Beethoven's Symphony No. 9, Op.125) Listen here https://igorlevit.lnk.to/OdetoJoy Subscribe to Igor Levit's official Youtube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLjf8j2trTjvFBrEHD7PQKg...
Clara Ysé "Pyromanes" extrait de l'album Oceano Nox disponible ici : https://ClaraYse.lnk.to/OceanoNox. En concert au Café de la danse (Paris) les 26/09, 06/11 et 05/12 (COMPLETS ! ) / Nouvelle date à la Cigale (Paris) le 26/03/24 : https://www.seetickets.com/fr/ap/event/clara-yse/la-cigale/41733...
Beethoven : "Sonate pour piano n°32 en ut mineur opus 111", second mouvement : Arietta, Adagio molto, semplice e cantabile
Frédéric Chopin (1810 - 1849) "Nocturnes" interprétées par Claudio Arrau
Girl behind the bottle
Irving Penn, Girl behind the bottle
Canal en Flandres
Theo Van Rysselberghe (1862-1926), Canal en Flandres, 1894, huile sur toile, 152.4 x 203.2,
Isis : Prologue
Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group Lully: Isis / Prologue - Scene I (Le Choeur, La Renommée) · Hugo Reyne · La Simphonie Du Marais Lully: Isis ℗ 20...